Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Growth" vs "Fixed" Mindset

Stanford University has a podcast on iTunes that discusses the "Growth" vs "Fixed" mindset of students and teachers. It began as two separate seminars where one taught only study skills and the other taught the growth mindset lessons along with these skills.
The Growth Mindset is keeping in mind that learning is a growing experience that allows the brain to keep making connections. It is having a love for learning attitude when you are improving skills verses only thinking about what you get out of the learned skills. The Fixed mindset is when you approach learning in order to feel smart or to raise status. The difference between the two mindsets is that having a growth mindset allows you accept your mistakes and learn from them verses feeling defeated by those mistakes.
As a teacher, this applies to me because I need to embrace the "Growth" mindset in order to be a good mentor. I offer nothing to students if I have a "fixed" mindset because I would be teaching for myself instead of for the purpose of wanting to learn and wanting my students to learn.

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