Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Use of iPods in Instruction

Most people that have invested in iPods are using them as storage for many songs, videos, and even pictures. iPods are now being increasingly used as tools for instruction and Apple is looking for more ways to connect these devices to education. At Duke University, students are using iPods as study aids. The university professors are downloading lecture materials that are available through iTunes. Students are able to fast forward to different parts of lecture using iPods and are able to replay anything they did not grasp in class. iPods also have the capacity to store and organize these lectures effectively. USA Today discusses the use of iPods at Duke University.
Grades K-12 iPods have been used as study aids as well. They can be used to enhance curriculum in all subject areas. Some good suggestions that I found was through the use of presentations using the iPod. They can use iPod and a voice recorder to put together a presentation about their culture, community, or anything else. Another good project based use of the iPod paired with the internet, is creating a radio drama centered around a historic event. Other ways they can be used is listening to information and blocking out distractions (good for students with ADHD), and Special Edcation students could use them as visual aids during test taking. iPods make it possible to listen to content outside of normal study periods. Click to view 100 ways that your iPod can help you learn and study better.

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